These are delicious with macadamia nuts, but are also very good with the more traditional pecans or walnuts. This recipe is less sweet than some muffin...
These are so light they don't seem like you're eating bran!! What a tasty way to get your daily dose of fiber! Variations: Add dates, raisins, nuts, or...
Our garden is currently overflowing with carrots, and this quick bread is a delicious way to use up some of them; it's moist and full of raisins and pecans!...
I love this bread. It's so moist and versatile. I make it for breakfast, brunch, tea parties, and even desert. I like to use a mini loaf pan and give the...
A girlfriend gave me her recipe, which I lost as it was on a peice of paper. I wanted to re-make it, but she was away! So I tried to remember what was...
Delightful festive spiced muffins, studded with jewel coloured fruit and nuts - just the thing for Christmas morning! I love all types of "mixes" in a...
Yummy muffins that taste like carrot cake and are filled with pineapple and coconut. The glaze is tangy and goes great with these muffins! Recipe given...
I was in the mood for pineapple and wanted to make some muffins and found few such combinations on this site. I did a quick search and found this on,...
Recipe is from Favorite Brand Name Recipes and sounds like a delicious holiday bread or a great recipe to use when you have an abundance of zucchini in...
A moist, sweet, gluten-free muffin that happens to be reduced carb and high in fiber. Coconut flour absorbs a huge amount of liquid, so only a small amount...
I have to laugh when people rave about my "moist, great-tasting cornbread". The recipe is on the back of the Quaker Corn Meal box and that's where this...
Funnily I cannot have yellow corn but am fine with blue corn - and managed to get some blue corn flour in Germany! This was my first approach to making...
These muffins are a perfect way to start Father's Day. They are quick and easy to make (this is a great recipe to ask kids to help with too). While the...
From Ocean Spray flyer. It has been a many years since I've made this bread but my notes say it is yummy! My notes also say I added a 1/4 cup of chopped...
These are really good and a great way to get some good stuff into my kids, they eat them like candy! I didn't like the recipes with cooked/mashed sweet...
Not your typical muffin, but they pack in 5 grams of fiber per muffin and are low calorie/fat. Oh and they taste great too! For even more fiber add the...
I know, actual cooked quinoa IN the muffins... but really give them try, it's great way to add some whole grains into your diet. It's also best to make...
100% whole wheat, these muffins are best fresh out of the oven (of course) but they keep well for at least a week in an airtight container, and are also...
Start your day with these bacon-studded muffins, topped with a dollop of ricotta and pesto. Leftovers make for a healthful mid-day snack on the go, and...
We've used this recipe since I was a kid. My mom said that she found it in a newspaper in Nevada, Iowa. My sister just won best of show with this recipe...
I love desserts! ...but I don't use any refined sugar or flour. So I invented this while looking for a sugarless pumpkin muffin recipe. This recipe includes...
"I remember when Grandma Wheeler makes these delicious muffins -- we'd eat them nice and warm, fresh from the oven! She was a "pinch of this" and "handful...
Get the kids to help make these for Dad. Who would not want to wake up to these warm muffins. You can replace the blueberries with any other of your favorite...
With a little help from dark chocolate pieces and ruby-red raspberry preserves, banana bread goes from breakfast standby to brunch standout. This decadent...
These muffins are mixed up entirely in the food processor, although I did have to give them a final stir by hand to mix in some unincorporated flour. They...
These muffins are full of grains, apples and nuts that are good for you. I found the recipe on a box of milled flax seed. Flax seed is nature's richest...